One of the things I have really enjoyed doing much more of this year is helping other photographers, whether it be with their business or going out and shooting. Most of this has been as part of the wedding photography workshops which I run with my very good friends Liam and Bee Crawley, but I have also done a number of one-to-one photography days with photographers who are looking for more personal help.

I recently spent a couple of days with Toni Darcy, an excellent wedding photographer based in Lancashire. We spent a day talking about her business and putting some plans in place which I think will really help her in the future and another day taking photographs so I could talk Toni through the equipment and techniques which I use on wedding and portrait shoots.  Luckily for me, another great friend of mine, the supremely talented and lovely Joanne Spencer of Spencer Photography very kindly offered to be our model for the day – thank you so much again Jo!

Here are a few of the photographs I took on the day, they were taken mixture of natural light, reflectors, off camera flash with speedlights and also the Elinchrom Ranger Quadra.

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